5 Low-Calories Free Recipes for Dessert Lovers

There are a lot of homemade dessert recipes that are lower in calories than buying from the store.
This solves the problem of maintaining a healthy weight without having to ban desserts. Here you will
find 5 low-calories desserts that are very delicious and can be eaten as breakfast or even as snacks.

#1. Chewy Fruit and Nut Bars

You can prepare your favorite chewy fruit and nut bars in less than 30 minutes. They are really a
great snack ideas or can be put into your children’s lunch box. For this recipe, almonds, cashews,
dried fruit, brown cereal are all very nice materials. Get recipes from here!

#2. Chocolate Bark

Chocolate barks is that kind of magical sweets you can consume them moderately and you don’t need to
worry about your weight. It is one of the easiest recipes you can make at home. All you need to do is
to prepare the chocolate and toss your favorite toppings. See the full recipes at here!

#3. Mini Chocolate Salted Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecakes

These beautiful cheesecakes are perfect for every occasion. Each cheesecake is made out of pecans
crust, chocolate layer and salted caramel pumpkin cheesecake on top. See the full recipes at here!

#4. Blueberry Crumble

Blueberries are one of the healthiest fruits you can find. Including them in your crumble will let
you taste a healthier version dessert. Recipes at here!

#5. Apple Cinnamon Muffins

Muffins are very good desserts that can keep you healthy weight, as they don’t contain hundreds of
calories. So you can also eat the muffins as snacks. And they are also one of the easily to make
sweets. They will be ready in less than one hour. Check the recipes!